General Trade Companies

General Trade Companies


كومپانى - مە بنیاسە

من خلال كل هذه الامكانيات والنشاطات تقوم معمل تناهي بدور كبير في أعمار كردستان العراق وتوفير فرص العمل للعديد من المواطنين في مختلف المجالات بالاضافة الى أن للشركة دور كبير في تطوير النقل البري من خلال تجهيز الشركات والمشاريع الانشائية بالحديد والاسمنت في مختلف مناطق الاقليم و العراق.

through all these abilities and activities tanahi Factory plays a big role in reconstructing kurdistan of iraq providing labor and working opportunities for a many citizens in different fields.in addition to that the company has role in the development of hand transportation by providing the companies and constructional projects with iron and cement in different parts of kurdistan region as well as iraq.

the main objectives of the company are to develop trading of constructional materials in kurdistan region and to develop construction and building. to work with honesty and respect making ideas up to date and using newest ways and policies of working.

دەرچون ژ پێداچونێ